New Teacher Coach

Quick Tips

For New


Teaching Made Easier

quick tips for new teacher
quick tips for new teacher

Quick Tips

For New


Teaching Made Easier

Book Synopsis

Quick Tips for New Teachers provides a checklist of reminders for new teachers. From setting up the classroom to establishing ongoing communication with parents. Quick Tips for New Teachers is an essential tool for all new teachers. Gone are the days when high school graduates enter college in pursuit of a teaching degree. In many colleges and universities across America, students seeking degrees in education have dramatically decreased. In fact, many of the teachers entering today’s classrooms never graduated from the College of Education or participated in Teacher Certification programs. Those entering classrooms are transitioning to the profession from various backgrounds majoring in business, psychology, sociology, communications, liberal arts and other programs. Because many have not completed Teacher Certification Programs, they tend to rely heavily on already overworked colleagues to share best practices for the classrooms. Quick Tip for New Teachers was written to assist new teachers in establishing a solid foundation as they journey on a path to becoming master teachers. To retain these new teachers, school leaders must be strategic and intentional when providing tools to assist new teachers. The book was written for educators by an educator.
Review each of the tips and use the information to establish classroom routines or create classroom artifacts while engaging students in differentiated instruction. Quick Tips for New Teachers is intended to provide teachers a checklist of essential tools to assist them with getting started. A further explanation for each of the tips will be presented in future titles.
Cassandra L. Thomas

About the Author

Cassandra L. Thomas, M.Ed. served as a classroom teacher, academic coach, assistant principal of curriculum, school principal, and district-based leader. She taught and worked as an academic coach in some of the most challenging schools with some of the most struggling students. She has also taught gifted students in some of the highest-performing schools. She has presented countless professional development sessions with school-based and district-level staff while also serving on accreditation review committees. She has mentored new teachers transitioning to the profession from nontraditional backgrounds. As a writer, Cassandra shares strategies she has learned to help new teachers become master teachers.

Cassandra L. Thomas
